Bucks Council proposal to build a link road connecting a new development in Princes Risborough has entered a consultation period, which includes a new connecting underpass at Aylesbury Station.

The Government is providing £12m to the potential project which is designed to assist with additional traffic linked to expansion plans in the town.
Princes Risborough is subject to an ambitious development plan which will see the construction of 2,500 new homes and two new primary schools.
Initial estimates suggested that the overall project could cost as much as £26m.
The purpose of the new road is to create an alternative for motorists to the A4010 and ease congestion in the Bucks town.
Objections have questioned the safety of the new project highlighting areas of the potential route that don’t accommodate for pedestrians.
Others are concerned with the amount of traffic that will use the new roads and therefore being travelling close to residential parts of Princes Risborough.
Bucks Council leader Cllr Martin Tett said: “The Princes Risborough Southern Road Link project is the first phase of the Princes Risborough relief road. It is a key piece of infrastructure which will support the delivery of new homes to the north-west of the town.
“Following a successful bid by Buckinghamshire Council, the first phase of the new relief road is being supported by £12m from Homes England.
“Subject to planning approval and land acquisition, construction on site is proposed to start from autumn 2023 with completion in late 2025.

Once the consultation phase is over the plan will go before the council’s Strategic Sites Planning Committee for authorisation.
If the current plans are adopted a new 750m road will be constructed between Picts Lane, near the junction with Goodearl Place through to where the former Sumitomo Electric Hardmetal site currently sits.
A new section of road will be built through the former Whiteleaf Furniture Site and W.E Blacks development site.
This part of the route will link to the area earmarked for the major Princes Risborough expansion.
Buildings will be demolished at the electric site to make way for the road.
A new signalised junction will be created where Station Approach, Summerleys Road and Station Road adjoin.
An underpass will be completed to run underneath the Princes Risborough to Aylesbury railway line to north of Firs Court with new a priority junction to north and other associated engineering, drainage and landscaping works including a 2m footway and 3.5m shared footway planned.
That’s along with a new cycleway, surface water detention basin and swales, foul and surface water drainage and pumping stations, sections of reinforced embankment and retaining wall structures and pedestrian crossings.
Please have your say on the project proposals by going to our planning portal
The application can be viewed online here
Source: Bucks Herald